Faculty Positions in Sustainable Energy Engineering at IIT Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Job Location:
Mechanical Engineering
Applications are invited from Indian and foreign nationals with excellent academic and research records for full-time positions of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor to carry out teaching and research in alternative, clean, and futuristic energy technologies and climate studies with expertise in either of materials, devices, systems, processes, modeling, integration, economics and policy.
Eligibility criteria:
- PhD from a reputed institute with an undergraduate degree in an appropriate area of engineering or science.
- First class (or equivalent) in all degrees.
- Proven research record with high-quality research output.
Priority areas in mechanical:
- Energy generation: Solar-thermal, fuel cells, wind, nuclear, and hydrogen energy.
- Energy and built-environment: Energy efficient, net-zero, and smart buildings.
Othe priority areas:
- Energy storage: CO2 capture, utilization, sequestration, and storage; waste to energy; and thermal energy systems.
- Energy conversion: CO2 to fuels, waste to energy, and thermal energy systems.
- Energy system integration: Smart grid and microgrid, electric vehicles, power distribution and transmission, power system protection, control systems, energy efficiency of appliances and systems, and power electronics applications.
- Energy and climate policy: Energy modeling, energy policy, circular economy, and decarbonization.
Facilities and support:
- Extensive research, teaching, and supporting infrastructure.
- Generous start-up grant, relocation allowance, and a top-up salary of Rs. 25,000 per month.
- Lush green, self-sustained campus with excellent residential facilities.
- Easy access from Lucknow (~2 hours) and Kanpur airports.
Please visit https://www.iitk.ac.in/dofa/current-openings and apply under Rolling Advertisement 2024-001.
For any queries, email the head of the department (head_see@iitk.ac.in).