Job Listings

Adjunct Instructor for IDeATe

Carnegie Mellon University
Job Location:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Fashion and Textile Design

Carnegie Mellon University: Libraries: IDeATe

Location: Pittsburgh, PA


The IDeATe micro course 99-360 IDeATe: E-Textiles is seeking an adjunct instructor for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 terms.

In this class, students learn to create active, responsive and flexible artifacts using microcontrollers, electroluminescence wire, muscle wire, and electronics embedded fabric. This course also provides an overview of what has been done in the field, the current state of the art in e-textiles, and the possibilities and difficulties that arise from working with flexible materials.

99-360 IDeATe: E-Textiles

Units | 1

F24 Time | 11:00am-3pm, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23 (S25 days and times to be determined during S25 scheduling process.)

Location | Hunt Library A10 (IDeATe Physical Computing Lab)

Lab Hours | To be set by instructor


We are open to applicants from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds, including (but not limited to) performing, electronic, and visual art, humanities, and other technical disciplines (engineering/sciences/mathematics). We prefer applicants who have already earned a master's degree in their discipline, but are open to considering students currently in a master's or doctoral program. We encourage applications from people who identify as members of communities that are historically underrepresented in the academy.

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