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Featured Institution
The Ohio State University
Today, The Ohio State University means the whole package: strong athletic traditions, major school spirit, academic achievements and community outreach.
Student Enrollment
Public , Four or more yearsFeatured Associations
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
AAUP is a nonprofit membership association of faculty and other academic professionals. The mission of AAUP is to advance academic freedom and shared governance; to define fundamental professional values and standards; and to promote the economic security of faculty, academic professionals and those engaged in teaching and research.
LessAssociation of American Law Schools (AALS)
AALS is a nonprofit association of law schools, law students, lawyers, judges, and lawmakers. The mission of AALS is to uphold and advance excellence in legal education. AALS serves as the learned society for law faculty at its member schools, and provides them with extensive professional development opportunities.
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Advice & News
Grant writing is a vital tool for faculty members to obtain financial support for their teaching, research, and service projects. Learn what makes a good proposal and how you can build your grant-writing skills.
Interviewing for a job might feel unnatural, but it's important to be your authentic self so that you -- and your interviewers -- can get what you need out of the meeting.
Consider these strategies for improving students' sense of community in online courses, which can ultimately increase retention.