Associations Academic and Industry Associations for Higher Ed Professionals

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Results 1 - 6 of 6

Assocation to Advance College Schools of Business - AACS International

AACSB International (AACSB), a global nonprofit association, connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,700 member organizations and more than 800 accredited business schools worldwide.


Association of Business Administrators of Christian Colleges (ABACC)

ABACC is a religious-based organization that seeks to improve the standard of business management in schools of Christian Higher Education by providing professional development, networking and mutual support to their business leadership. For a fee, you can become a member of the organization, which gives you access to additional resources.


Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers (EACUBO)

EACUBO's primary goal is to provide high quality professional development opportunities that are relevant and timely. EACUBO has a diverse membership of institutions and organizations, post-secondary institutions, and other agencies and for-profit organizations affiliated with or serving with higher education.


National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

NACUBO is a nonprofit professional organization representing chief business and financial officers at U.S. colleges and universities. The employment section focuses on executive level job opportunities.


National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP)

NAEP seeks to facilitate the development, exchange and practice of effective and ethical procurement principles and techniques within higher education and associated communities, through continuing education, networking, public information and advocacy. NAEP provides professional development and networking opportunities regionally and nationally.


Western Association of College and University Business Officers (WACUBO)

WACUBO offers business officers in the western region opportunities to develop professionally, to identify solutions for issues affecting higher education, and to share their expertise with their colleagues.

Results 1 - 6 of 6
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