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Featured Institution
Juniata College
Juniata College is a cohesive community of interesting, inquisitive, hardworking, and fun individuals who think deeply about who we are meant to be. We believe there is no better place on the planet for discovering your passions, developing your intellect and your heart, and ultimately becoming the author of your own powerful story.
Student Enrollment
Private not-for-profitFeatured Associations
Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
AALS is a nonprofit association of law schools, law students, lawyers, judges, and lawmakers. The mission of AALS is to uphold and advance excellence in legal education. AALS serves as the learned society for law faculty at its member schools, and provides them with extensive professional development opportunities.
LessNational Association of American Veterans (NAAV)
NAAV assists the severely wounded warriors, especially single parent service members, military caregivers, disabled veterans and their families by helping them access their benefits, improving communications and coordination for veterans and collaborating among health agencies, medical professional, organizations, educational organization and the general public.
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Advice & News
Consider these strategies for improving students' sense of community in online courses, which can ultimately increase retention.
As meaningful and vital as student affairs work is, it can be emotionally consuming. How do you make space for personal well-being amidst this work?
Marjorie Hass, president of the Council of Independent Colleges, joined the HigherEdJobs Podcast recently to discuss advice for faculty candidates and the opportunities leaders have to advance their institutions in 2025.